The Hot Fintech is a modern business template focused on financial technology. This template is a perfect starting point for the development of any responsive corporate website based on Joomla.
It contains 2 home page variants: carousel and video background. On the striking positions, you can see the images and videos of big modern cities that symbolize the business growth and financial success of a company. Further on the page, you will find the most important company facts, latest projects, testimonials, etc.
As its name indicates, this template is designed for financial technology companies. However, it can be used for any other kind of corporate business website.
Fintech refers to innovative technologies that aim to improve and automate the delivery and use of financial services. It encompasses a wide range of applications, including mobile banking, cryptocurrency, robo-advisors, payment processing, lending platforms, and more. The goal is to provide better financial services, often leveraging data, algorithms, and digital platforms to create more seamless and user-friendly experiences for consumers and businesses alike.
If you are about to make a Joomla website for such a company, the Hot Fintech template contains all the elements you might need during the development. Besides the two mentioned home page variants, it also contains pre-designed inner pages that are required for most websites of this kind.
All the modules you can see on the demo page are included in the template package. This template includes a module for the efficient development of various kinds of carousels. Also, you can create scrolling text from Joomla articles and include maps in the pages.
Home Page with Carousel
The default home page design of the Fintech template is based on the responsive Hot Swipe Carousel module.
You can use this striking position of the website to add some attractive images and text messages followed by the call-to-action buttons.
Home Page with Video
If you have a nice introductory video for your company, you can use this home page variant.
This home page design includes a video background with overlay text. You can use the text block to add your most important message and call-to-action button.
Page Builder
The Fintech template includes the Sparky Page Builder - a native Joomla editor on steroids. Use this editor to change text and media without hassle, add, copy, move, and delete elements easily without any HTML or CSS coding.
It lets you edit all the content visually. You can add sections with columns that are later filled up with content blocks of various types (text, media, icons, modules, etc.). It also lets you move all the elements around visually, using the drag-and-drop method.
The Sparky Framework
The Sparky Framework is a parent template of the Fintech template. All the power of this framework is transferred to the Fintech child template.
In the template options, you can use drag-and-drop Layout Builder to adjust or add more module positions. The framework also lets you select Google fonts, and change all the colors, menus, logo images, and more without hassle. Based on your settings, the framework creates static CSS and Javascript files for faster loading.
This template includes a responsive off-canvas menu with submenu links tree. All the settings of the off-canvas menu are in the template parameters.
Besides the default menu type, the framework lets you use other menu types, such as a drop-down menu, mega menu, horizontal menu, and static menu.
4 Color Variants
There are 4 color schemes included with the Hot Fintech Joomla template.
If none of these pre-defined variants match your company branding, you can create your color scheme through the template settings. Also, you can fine-tune one of the pre-defined color schemes.
Hot Maps
The Hot Maps module can show the location of your company and navigate the clients to this address using Google Maps.
You can use the module with or without an API key. The API key is required if you need advanced customizations of the map's styling.
Hot Scroller
The Hot Scroller is a simple yet powerful module that lets you select some articles or categories that will be scrolled horizontally.
Hot Fintech - Template Screen Shots
The following images represent the screenshots of the Hot Fintech Joomla template.
You can see all home page variants and some interior pages in different color schemes.
Template Features
- Responsive template, based on clean CSS/CSS3 code, and powered by the Sparky Joomla template framework.
- The Sparky Page Builder is included with this template. All demo content is created using this page builder. Edit and create your content effortlessly.
- 4 pre-defined styles with different colors. All colors are easily customizable in Sparky options (infinite color options).
- Customization of the template's layout and adding/removing module positions is easy. It's powered by Sparky's drag-and-drop Layout Editor. Change the layout and element's dimensions easily whenever you need.
- Additional modules included with the template: Hot Swipe Carousel, Hot Scroller and Hot Maps.
- The compatibility with all future Joomla! versions is guaranteed!
- HotStart (quick start installation) is available with both a single purchase or membership plan. It copies the template with all extensions and demo pages easily.
- An unlimited number of module positions can be added easily within the Layout Editor of the Sparky Framework if needed.
- A selection of 800+ locally hosted Google Fonts is available through the template options panel. The latest version of the Font Awesome icons collection is included.
- PSD source file and fonts are available.
- Off-canvas top menu with the presentation of the menu items in multiple levels.
- Tested with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, and Opera browsers. Tested on Apple iOS and Android mobile devices. Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages.