Re: Would like for content - left -right columns even

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14 years 3 months ago - 14 years 3 months ago #2756 by
my bad... the 3 columns are the same height---now ive got a huge space between what looks like the carousel and user2...

any idea what has happened...

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  • milos
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14 years 3 months ago #2758 by milos
On my computer the left, right and center columns are now equal. The empty space is caused by an empty DIV just before the USER2 position.

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14 years 3 months ago #2759 by
this is my index.php..... what is the empty div? i highlighted the mod position we created before user2 which is the gamcenter above the carousel right now

# "Hot Sportal" Joomla template, Version 1.0 - August, 2010
# Copyright (C) 2010 Hot Joomla Templates. All Rights Reserved.
# License: Copyrighted Commercial Software
# Author: Hot Joomla Templates
# Website:
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
define( 'YOURBASEPATH', dirname(__FILE__) );
$template_path = $this->baseurl.'/templates/'.$this->template;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" " ">
<html xmlns=" " xml:lang="language; ?>" lang="language; ?>" >
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<?php // module states

$showadvert[1] = $this->countModules('advert1');
$showadvert[2] = $this->countModules('advert2');
$showadvert[3] = $this->countModules('advert3');
$showadvert[4] = $this->countModules('advert4');

$showuser[5] = $this->countModules('user5');
$showuser[6] = $this->countModules('user6');
$showuser[7] = $this->countModules('user7');
$showuser[8] = $this->countModules('user8');

$showleft = $this->countModules('left');
$showleft2 = $this->countModules('left2');
$showright = $this->countModules('right');
$showright2 = $this->countModules('right2');
$showuser1 = $this->countModules('user1');
$showuser2 = $this->countModules('user2');
$showuser3 = $this->countModules('user3');
$showbreadcrumbs = $this->countModules('breadcrumbs');
$showtoolbar = $this->countModules('toolbar');
$showinset = $this->countModules('inset');

$uppermodules = 0;
for ($loop = 1; $loop <= 4; $loop += 1) {
if($showadvert[$loop]) { $uppermodules++; }

$bottommodules = 0;
for ($loop = 5; $loop <= 8; $loop += 1) {
if($showuser[$loop]) { $bottommodules++; }

<?php // template parameters

// template layout
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$columnLeftWidth = 0;
$columnLeftPad = 0;
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$columnRightPad = 8;
$columnRightWidth = 0;
$columnRightPad = 0;
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$headerMenuWidth = $templateWidth - 410;
$overallWidth = $templateWidth;
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// add-ons
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// template style

// check if in parameters
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// check if it cookie
$templateStyle = $_COOKIE;

$templateStyleTest = "";

// check if in link
if (isset($_GET)) {
$templateStyleTest = $_GET;

if ($templateStyleTest) {
$templateStyle = $templateStyleTest;
$Month = 2592000 + time();
setcookie("Style", $templateStyle, $Month);

if($templateStyle) {



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$columnRightColor = $this->params->get("columnRightColor", "#c10000");
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$columnText = $this->params->get("columnText", "#6D6D6D");
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$carouselLinkColor = $this->params->get("carouselLinkColor", "#DCFF1A");
$scrollerTextColor = $this->params->get("scrollerTextColor", "#ffffff");
$scrollerHeadingColor = $this->params->get("scrollerHeadingColor", "#FFDE25");



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<?php require(dirname(__FILE__).DS.'/css/template_css.php'); ?>

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $template_path ?>/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

<!-- top menu -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function mainmenu(){
jQuery("#nav ul").css({display: "none"}); // Opera Fix
jQuery('#nav >').prev().css('border-right', 'none'); // removing border from the previous button of the active button
jQuery("#nav li ul li#current").parent().css({ visibility: "visible" }).show(); // if active link is in sublevel, make this submenu visible
jQuery("#nav li#current ul > li").parent().css({ visibility: "visible" }).show();
jQuery("#nav > li").hover(function() {
jQuery("#nav li ul li#current").parent().css({ visibility: "hidden" }).hide();
jQuery("#nav li#current ul > li").parent().css({ visibility: "hidden" }).hide();
jQuery(this).find('ul:first').css({ visibility: "visible",display: "none" }).show();
jQuery(this).find('ul:first').css({ visibility: "hidden" });
jQuery("#nav li ul li#current").parent().css({ visibility: "visible" }).show();
jQuery("#nav li#current ul > li").parent().css({ visibility: "visible" }).show();
jQuery(document).ready(function(){ mainmenu();});

<?php if($uppermodules or $bottommodules) { ?>
<!-- equal heights -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $template_path ?>/js/equal_heights.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
<?php if($bottommodules) { ?>
BoxHeights.equalise(<?php if($showuser[5]) { ?>'c1'<?php } if($showuser[6]) { ?>,'c2'<?php } if($showuser[7]) { ?>,'c3'<?php } if($showuser[8]) { ?>,'c4'<?php } ?>);
<?php } ?>
<?php if($uppermodules) { ?>
BoxHeights.equalise(<?php if($showadvert[1]) { ?>'c5'<?php } if($showadvert[2]) { ?>,'c6'<?php } if($showadvert[3]) { ?>,'c7'<?php } if($showadvert[4]) { ?>,'c8'<?php } ?>);
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>

<?php if($imageReflectionLoad) { ?>
<!-- reflection -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $template_path ?>/js/reflection.js"></script>
<?php } ?>

<?php if($scrollToLoad) { ?>
<!-- scrollTo -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $template_path ?>/css/scrollTo.css" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $template_path ?>/js/scrollTo.js"></script>
<?php } ?>

<!-- equal heights -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $template_path ?>/js/equal_heights.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {

<div class="wrapper1"><div class="wrapper_outside">
<div class="header">
<div class="logo">
<a href="index.php"><img src="<?php echo $template_path ?>/images/logo_<?php if($transparentImage=="white") { echo "black"; }else{ echo "white"; } ?>.png" width="980" height="130" alt="joomla restaurant template" /></a>
<div class="header_menu">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="user9" />
<?php if ($showuser3) { ?>
<div id="topmenu"><div id="topmenu_l"><div id="topmenu_r"><div id="topmenu_c">
<div id="topmenu_pad">
<div style="float:left"><jdoc:include type="modules" name="user3" style="none" /></div>
<div style="float:right; padding-top:5px;"><jdoc:include type="modules" name="user4" style="none" /></div>
<?php } ?>

<div class="gamecenter_wrap">
<div class="gamecenter">
<div style="padding-left:20px; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom: 5px; width:980px; height:100px; float:left"><jdoc:include type="modules" name="gamecenter" style="xhtml" />
<div class="clr"></div>

<?php if ($showuser1 or $showuser2) { ?>
<div class="gallery">
<div class="gallery_pad">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="user1" style="xhtml" />
<?php if ($showuser2) { ?>
<div class="user2">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="user2" style="xhtml" />
<?php } ?>
<div class="clr"></div>
<?php } ?>

<?php if ($uppermodules) { ?>
<div class="upper">
<?php if($showadvert[1]) { ?>
<div class="modulerow<?php echo $uppermodules; ?>"><div id="c5"<?php if (!$showadvert[2] && !$showadvert[3] && !$showadvert[4]) { ?> class="last"<?php } ?>><jdoc:include type="modules" name="advert1" style="hot" /><div class="clr"></div></div></div>
<?php } if($showadvert[2]) { ?>
<div class="modulerow<?php echo $uppermodules; ?>"><div id="c6"<?php if (!$showadvert[3] && !$showadvert[4]) { ?> class="last"<?php } ?>><jdoc:include type="modules" name="advert2" style="hot" /><div class="clr"></div></div></div>
<?php } if($showadvert[3]) { ?>
<div class="modulerow<?php echo $uppermodules; ?>"><div id="c7"<?php if (!$showadvert[4]) { ?> class="last"<?php } ?>><jdoc:include type="modules" name="advert3" style="hot" /><div class="clr"></div></div></div>
<?php } if($showadvert[4]) { ?>
<div class="modulerow<?php echo $uppermodules; ?>"><div id="c8" class="last"><jdoc:include type="modules" name="advert4" style="hot" /></div></div>
<?php } ?>
<div class="clr"></div>
<?php } ?>
<div class="main_area">
if($columnLayout=="mlr") {
} else if($columnLayout=="lrm") {
} else {
<div class="clr"></div>

<?php if ($bottommodules) { ?>
<div class="bottom">
<?php if($showuser[5]) { ?>
<div class="modulerow<?php echo $bottommodules; ?>"><div id="c1"<?php if (!$showuser[6] && !$showuser[7] && !$showuser[8]) { ?> class="last"<?php } ?>><jdoc:include type="modules" name="user5" style="hot" /><div class="clr"></div></div></div>
<?php } if($showuser[6]) { ?>
<div class="modulerow<?php echo $bottommodules; ?>"><div id="c2"<?php if (!$showuser[7] && !$showuser[8]) { ?> class="last"<?php } ?>><jdoc:include type="modules" name="user6" style="hot" /><div class="clr"></div></div></div>
<?php } if($showuser[7]) { ?>
<div class="modulerow<?php echo $bottommodules; ?>"><div id="c3"<?php if (!$showuser[8]) { ?> class="last"<?php } ?>><jdoc:include type="modules" name="user7" style="hot" /><div class="clr"></div></div></div>
<?php } if($showuser[8]) { ?>
<div class="modulerow<?php echo $bottommodules; ?>"><div id="c4" class="last"><jdoc:include type="modules" name="user8" style="hot" /></div></div>
<?php } ?>
<div class="clr"></div>
<?php } ?>

<div class="sponsors_wrap">
<div class="sponsors">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="sponsors" style="xhtml" />
<div class="clr"></div>

<div class="footer_wrap">
<div class="footer">
<div class="footer_pad">
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<div class="footer2">
<div class="footer_pad">
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<div style="clear:both"></div>
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<?php if($scrollToLoad) { ?>
<div id="message">
<a href="#top" id="top-link"><img src="<?php echo $template_path ?>/images/top.png" width="53" height="53" alt="top" /></a>
<?php } ?>

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14 years 3 months ago #2761 by
milos it looks like the hosting company blew a gasket and had issues on their end... looks like they had some issues for about 15 minute's... just brought the site back up and everything looks fine...

knock on wood...

thanks for your help as always!!!


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14 years 2 months ago - 14 years 2 months ago #3033 by
milos can you take another look--- it still isnt ending equally: main content | left and right margins...

any idea what might be going on..ive viewed it on 3 different computers using explorer and firefox and they arent the same height...

thanks again
Last edit: 14 years 2 months ago by .

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14 years 2 months ago #3107 by
milos can you help me...


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