Sparky and Google Fonts

After two months of development and testing, we are proud to release the Sparky Framework v2.2.0, the only framework in Joomla world that won't make you feel constrained! There are new great features: Full integration with Google Web Fonts and undo/redo buttons. Also, it's integrated with latest collection of Font Awesome icons and contains many bug fixes and improvements under the hood.

700+ free fonts are now one click away!

You could use Google Web Fonts in previous versions, but since Sparky Framework v2.2.0 it's much easier and better to select both system and Google fonts. While you browse through the fonts collection and change parameters, you will see the text written using the selected font live! One click and your font is selected and your site is ready to automatically download and use this font.

Please check this cool new feature in this video:

Undo and redo your changes even after save

During work, we all make mistakes. If you made an unneeded change in Sparky Framework and can't remember what did you do, new Undo and Redo buttons would help you to restore your old settings. You can use it while you are working with Sparky and even after you save settings. If you think your site looked better a month ago, now you can restore the old settings, layout, font parameters, menus... Anything! All parameters are covered with this system and it keeps your last 30 actions in database.

Please watch this video to see it in action:

Other news in Sparky v2.2.0

We updated Font Awesome library, so it supports the latest version 4.5 now. Now you have 605 vector icons integrated with Sparky that looks great on all resolutions. Beside this, there are many code improvements and bug fixes that's implemented under the hood and that you can't see. However, your site will gain benefits from them for sure.

We will add some serious improvements in Layout Builder in the next release. Until then, stay tuned and start developing with Sparky, if you haven't already! It will change the way you work and it wouldn't make you feel constrained like other frameworks.