New Logo for Investments Template

The original simple logo on our Investments template is now changed with an icon of gold bars. We believe that logo is more appropriate for this template as several our members found the old CSS-based logo too plain and inappropriate for this kind of websites.

CSS code for the old logo added in Extensions > Templates > Hot Investments > Custom > CSS is now commented out:

.sparky_logo::before {
  border:3px solid #75bf9c;
  margin-right: 15px;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
  -moz-transform: rotate(45deg);
  transform: rotate(45deg);
  transition:all 0.3s;

.sparky_logo:hover::before {
  transition:all 0.3s;

The new logo image is now included in the /images folder of the template and also the appropriate CSS code that includes the image. It's ready for all screens with double pixel density (retina). The logo change is supported in both LTR and RTL language mode of this template.

We believe the new logo is adding a new value to the Investments template. Thank you for all our members who provided the feedback regarding the logo change! We will continue to improve our popular templates in the future.