8 Effective Ways to Optimize and Boost your eCommerce Site Revenues

On average, eCommerce sales amount to $130 billion every quarter in the US. This amount is around 10% of the total retail sales in the US (increasing globally).

Therefore, this shows that eCommerce businesses are growing at a tremendous rate and that more people are now making purchases online. If you operate an eCommerce store or thinking about starting an eCommerce using a Joomla eCommerce template, these numbers indicate that there is a considerable amount of market for goods and services online that you can tap into.

However, for any business to grow and make profits, one has to have strategies to help them stand out against the competition. You must devise ways and tactics that will enable you to have a piece of this vast market. To do that, you must be able to convert the people who visit your site, into customers. Also, increasing traffic to your site will be necessary.

With more traffic to your site, your sales can increase. Also, not only does optimizing your site lead to higher revenues, but it also makes the site a high-value site. This way if you wish to put up your eCommerce business for sale, you will get reasonable offers.

Here are some of the most effective ways to help boost your eCommerce sales and get more revenue.

1. Use of SEO to Optimize Traffic

For any business to survive, you must find the best marketing tools to increase sales. One of the essential strategies for growing sales in online companies is through the use of SEO tools. With the right plan in place, you will be able to attract more traffic to your site and consequently convert them to customers.

However, SEO (search engine optimization) is continually evolving, and therefore, you must change as well, in your practices. Hiring an SEO agency can come in handy in identifying and utilizing the best SEO strategies.

2. Hook prospects early and keep them Engaged

Understanding customer behavior is very vital in increasing your eCommerce business revenue. Customers behave differently in various stages of the buying process and require specific information at every step. Therefore, you must keep them engaged in every phase, lest you lose them on the way.

Consequently, if you wait to reach your prospective customers during the decision stage, you will be too late. This may make you lose significant sales. For this reason, you should capture your potential buyers in their consideration stage, and keep them informed during the rest of the stage so as not to lose them.

Hook them with the right content, and keep them involved by ensuring that the content you send them, fits their current stage. This way, you will have gotten yourself in the list of their most likely purchase stores.

3. Speed Up Your Website

If you want to retain a user who is visiting your site for the first time, then you need to speed up your website. For your website to move fast enough for your readers, you need a CDN. A CDN helps shorten the path that information travels between the servers and the users. Therefore, it will not only help you increase page speed but also increases engagement levels.

With the use of a CDN, your site can lower bandwidth costs, handle traffic spikes, and improve your SEO. Therefore, you need to find the CDN for your eCommerce website, which can either be paid for or free. Making use of a CDN can enhance your website search optimization and thus can boost revenues.

4. Make Use of Paid Targeting

The competition in the online arena is significantly stiff. There are millions of online sellers just like you offering products on the online platforms. Therefore, one needs to work very hard to get even just a piece of that cake.

However, that shouldn’t worry you much as there are also numerous online sites like Google Shopping, which are doing very well. All you need is to work hard to promote your brand. Paid, targeted adverts are one of the significant ways you can use to outrank your competitors.

Paid advertising, when done right, can help propel your eCommerce business forward and position it ahead of the competition. If you want more revenue, don’t just wait for things to happen, make things happen.

5. Provide or Gather Useful Information Before Visitors Leave your Site

People who visit your website do it for various reasons. Not all of them are looking to purchase something from your eCommerce store. However, anyone of these people is a potential customer. Therefore, before they leave the site, try to engage them to know what exactly was the reason for their visit.

Mostly, many of them might just be making comparisons with other providers before making a decision. If you know what they are looking for, you are in a position to maybe persuade them to consider your products. Therefore, try to offer information that will make them think of your products and also that will help them in their search.

This way, they might come back later as customers to your site. Also, you can use this chance to gather some information from the visitors, which can help you to follow up with them at a later date.

6. Invest in Re-engaging Shopping Cart Abandoners

In many cases, shoppers do abandon their shopping cart. And, although you might not be able to prevent this, you can try to influence the abandoners to come back and complete their shopping.

Sometimes, all they need is a little push or reminder to make them get back to shopping. Therefore, you should invest more in retargeting those shopping cart abandoners, and don’t just let them walk away. You can reach out to them by sending an email reminder or by remarketing your products aging to them.

However, before you retarget them, make sure you understand the reason behind their abandonment. This way, you can give them the information they want to hear, and that can persuade them to come back.

7. Never Forget to Use Social Media

Social Media

Social media has become one of the most effective platforms for getting your brand known. With billions of users, these platforms form the largest source of traffic and customers for your products. Therefore, even as you use other strategies, social media must be on the top of your list.

Reports by Instagram indicates that 60% of people currently find products on social media. This should make you want to integrate it as one of your brand awareness platforms. If you use social media, you can reach more people and with the right information, increase your potential customers.

8. Make Use of the Analytics Tool

To be able to succeed, every business needs to make informed decisions. Having the right tool is the key to your online business’ success, and it gives you an upper hand over your competitors.

Without an analytic tool, it will be impossible to understand the behavior of your site’s visitors, as well as what interests them on your website. Also, you may not identify where in the sales stage, you lose potential buyers or what you can generally change and optimize to make more sales.

Therefore, the right analytics tools will be of immense help to find out such information which will help your business and its success.