Sparky Framework v4.2.0

We have released the Sparky Framework v4.2.0. Let's explain what is new in this version and how you can update it for your website. All our templates are updated to use the latest version of the framework. Also, all HotStart installations (quickstart) of our templates are upgraded. So, if you are starting your web project today, please re-download the HotStart package.

Changes in the Framework

Sparky Framework and Child Joomla Templates

One of the greatest new feature of Joomla v.4.1.0 are the Joomla child templates. We will not explain what they are and how they work in this article, so please read the separate post to learn more about them.

Basically, the Sparky Framework is now a parent Joomla template. So, from now on, all Joomla 4 templates are developed as the child templates of the Sparky Framework parent template. This brings more flexibility for our users, cleaner code, and much easier upgrades in the future. Also, it assures compatibility with future major Joomla versions (5, 6...).

Important Change: Static Assets Are Moved to the Media Folder

Due to security reasons, all static template assets (CSS, images, Javascript files, etc.) should be stored in the /media folder. This will be a requirement of one of the next major Joomla versions. Also, this is a requirement for all those who want to enjoy the advantages of child Joomla templates in Joomla 4.1.0 and later.

The Export Function Changed Completely

In the template settings page of all templates based on the Sparky Framework, there's the Export tab. Since this version, it was making a completely new Joomla template from the current template and its settings. This feature was not 100% stable and we were aware of that.

Now, this function is completely re-developed. The export function now creates a child template from the template parameters and static files. So, you can easily create multiple children Joomla templates and all of them will use the same parent template (Sparky Framework). The exported child templates will contain only the necessary files and static assets, as well as the template settings.

How To Upgrade

Before upgrading, please make a full website backup, especially if you are doing the upgrade on a production website.

You can upgrade the framework when you receive the notification in Joomla. Also, if there's no notification, you can update manually. Please re-download the template package for your template. For example, if you are using the Business template, you should download the file "", If you are using another template, just download the template package for this template. Install the package in System > Install > Extensions > Upload Package File.

The frontend of your website will look broken because the static assets are now moved. Let's correct this quickly!

1. Save the Tempate Settings Once

Go to the System > Site Template Styles > "Template Style Name" ("Template Style Name" is the actual name of your template style). On the template settings page, click "Save & Close" button. You don't need to change any parameters. This will regenerate all CSS and JS files.

2. Move the Static Files

Using a FTP client, download these folders (including all files and subfolders) to your computer:


Upload these 3 folders to this folder (it is created automatically after accomplishing the step 1):


So, you will have this folder structure now:


Feel free to delete these folders now because they are not used anymore:


After this, your website should look and work normally again. If you have any troubles or concerns related to this procedure, please post on the support forum in the appropriate template category.