Editing VirtueMart's Configuration File - Hot Themes

If you are about to install any of our template that supports VirtueMart using HotStart installation method (to copy all demo data), you must finish one more step in order to make VirtueMart component functional on your server.

After you finish the HotStart installation, please edit VirtueMart's configuration file "virtuemart.cfg.php". It's located in folder /administrator/components/com_virtuemart. You can use FTP software such as Filezilla to download and upload it to the server. To edit file, please use plain text editor such as Notepad. Also, if you have cPanel based hosting, you can use cPanel's built-in File Manager and Editor.

Do not use rich text editors like WordPad or Microsoft Word to edit VirtueMart's configuration file!

In text editor, find this part of your "virtuemart.cfg.php" file (default links may be different, depening of template):

  1. // these path and url definitions here are based on the Joomla! Configuration
  2. define( 'URL', 'http://localhost:8888/demo_ecommerce/' );
  3. define( 'SECUREURL', 'http://localhost:8888/demo_ecommerce/' );

Edit link 'http://localhost:8888/demo_ecommerce/' with link of your site where you installed Joomla, in example 'http://www.yoursite.com/joomla/' (if you site is "yoursite.com" and folder where you installed Joomla is "joomla"). Don't forget trailing slash /

If your site doesn't have SSL certificate (your site is not accessible when you type https://www.yoursite.com/joomla/ in browser), then copy this link in both lines. Otherwise, if you have SSL certificate, use "https" in link, instead of "http".

So, edited lines should be like this (without SSL):

  1. // these path and url definitions here are based on the Joomla! Configuration
  2. define( 'URL', 'http://www.yoursite.com/joomla/' );
  3. define( 'SECUREURL', 'http://www.yoursite.com/joomla/' );

Or they should look like this if you have SSL:

  1. // these path and url definitions here are based on the Joomla! Configuration
  2. define( 'URL', 'http://www.yoursite.com/joomla/' );
  3. define( 'SECUREURL', 'https://www.yoursite.com/joomla/' );

If you installed Joomla in the root folder of your site, link will be "http://www.yoursite.com/" (don't forget trailing slash though).


Windows-based Servers

You might experience problems with VirtueMart paths even if you installed HotStart and edited "virtuemart.cfg.php" properly. That's because Windows' paths are like c:\path\path... while Unix/Linux paths are /path/path... You will need to edit all paths in"virtuemart.cfg.php" (look for help on official VirtueMart forum).

Other solution is to

  1. Uninstall VirtueMart and install it again without sample data. You can download installation from the official site.
  2. Copy VirtueMart template from HotStart archive manually (it's in /components/com_virtuemart/themes/template_name) and activate template in VirtueMart configuration.
  3. To copy our VirtueMart sample data, please run SQL Dump fromHotStart archive (it's in /installation/sql/mysql/sample_data.sql) through phpMyAdmin of your hosting.